Thursday, January 15, 2015

The new Congress of 2014 has wasted no time addressing the hard pressed issues regarding immigration within the United States. The Republican run House of Representatives has voted on legislation that puts millions of unauthorized immigrants at risk of deportation. Furthermore, these amendments coincide with the necessary funding of Homeland Security. The Department of Homeland Security is the leverage the Republicans need to pass legislation revoking rights and protection of immigrants in the United States. If President Obama disagreed with the attached amendments regarding immigration, he will appear unconcerned about the nation's security at the same time. Senator Harry Reid claims the Republicans in power are "picking an unnecessarily political fight that risks shutting down the Department of Homeland Security." The Republicans have since then been seen as a manipulative, immoral party throwing their weight around. In 2012 Obama passed executive action permitting immigrants who entered the country illegally to remain in the US. This action was undone when the amendment to reverse his decisions was passed on Wednesday due to 218 votes yes in the House. Many Democrats in Congress disagreed with the splitting families apart and deporting children that came to America as infants. Even some Republicans claimed that the sponsored amendment was a step too far. Others defended the action by saying they did not intend to be malicious, rather address the President's boldness in writing immigration law without receiving Congress's consent. The bill with the attached amendments now heads to the Senate where it will again be evaluated.

This strategy of tacking amendments onto completely necessary bills is far from new and actually quite effective. It clearly puts the president between a rock and a hard place and the Republicans have used that to their advantage. This specific bill funding Homeland Security forces President Obama to choose. The Republicans hope Obama will look at the big picture since the nation's security is the main concern. However, by approving the bill, Obama will have to push aside his values and morals when it comes to immigration. It is not an easy decision to make and he has the entire world watching him under a microscope. Which ever way the bill heads, President Obama will certainly receive heavy criticism from one side or another due to the controversy of it all.

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